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Suzanne Pannelle

LOL - love those cute looking juice cans!
Looks like Ross has a great office spot - corner windows and a view of a garden! pretty cool.
I would like to get connnected with your updates - however, I do check for them frequently. Whatever will I do when you get into a routine :) You will have to find something new to do and document every week at least! Just kidding - but it is good to see what's happening down there - over there - around the other side of the globe.

Dg Bailey

I love following your blog! Perhaps it will be something that you could publish after your adventure is over. A great perspective.

Janet James

GREAT pictures today - so interesting to see where Ross works, and the variety of products Heinz offers. Ross has it pretty nice, I would say!
Also liked your pictures on last post of your new Ikea purchases - the wrap-a-round sofa looks just like the one Sterling and Lisa have in their Fla. condo.

Keep up the interesting blogs!

Amy Smith

The LOL drink sounds delightful! Maybe you could spread some vegemite on that beetroot and see how it tastes!. :) I love Ross' office. Did I ever tell you that I had a large corner office with floor to ceiling windows at my last job? It was embarassing to me because there were many many people senior to me in cubicles and less desirable offices, but by the efforts of my boss who liked me and by God's undeserved grace, that prized office was mine. I even got to keep it when I went part time! My view wasn't nearly so nice though. Keep blogging. We all love it!


Wow, that is a tiny can of beans! Thanks for the pictures!
Ross has such a nice office with all those windows and natural lighting.
I can see a little bit of fear in Cameron's smiling face in that one picture!
Have a wonderful day there~

M.E. Chebon

Good content on beetroot crop.

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