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And a Happy Mother's Day to you too! Our family is going to a nice little restaurant in Perth, called Fiddleheads, for a Mother's Day brunch, after church.Fall looks beautiful in Melbourne.

Suzanne Pannelle

LOVE the beautiful pictures!! The colors are so vibrant and your awesome camera and photography skills have captured them well. It's funny that I just sent you an email asking how the colors were on the leaves and here they are - Although, I think they were posted before I asked! :) I love the pictures in the stream also. If it were my kids, I think I would blow the one up of Sophie and James playing by the water and hang it on the wall somewhere. Just beautiful!
I am so glad it is an extended season there. So many times our leaves are beautiful, but you only have a few days to enjoy them before a good wind and rain put them all on the ground. Enjoy!

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