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Karen Morris

I love it! Great reminder! Blessings to you and yours "down under" from " over and up"!

Linsey Smith

James looks so cute, what a stud!:)


Thanks, Linsey. I won't tell him that you said this, however, as James does everything possible to avoid the adjective 'cute.' Stud is probably okay :). Blessings to you and yours as well Karen. I enjoy keeping up with the whereabouts of your family through your fb status updates.


What a wonderful essay, Christie. It spoke to my heart.

Thank you, also, for commenting. It was especially nice, as I was just thinking about you yesterday as I folded clothes. I realized with a start that I had not visited your site in a while....so here I am, and happy to see the pictures of your life and family.

much love!

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