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Hi Christie,

I only recently came across your blog, while looking for people that has relocated to Australia, as my husband and I are planning to do so next summer (Northern Hemisphere). We have two sons, 4 and 8 years old.

I have found your blog very interesting, especially informative about what there is to do in Victoria. We are looking to relocate to Geelong area.
Any advice would be much appreciated, and if you won't mind I might need to pick your brain from time to time. Thank you. :)


That looks like quite the climb! I had to laugh at the part when you wrote that James didn't complain b/c there were no parents nearby.


Hi Emma,
I'm glad you came across my blog and have found it useful. We love Victoria and wish you all the best as you relocate here. I'm happy to answer any questions. I'll send you an email so that you can contact me that way if you like, or you can always ask questions in the comments section of posts. Christie


I recently found your blog while searching for blogs of Americans with families who have moved to AU.
I am curious what you think of the schools compared to the US?

Thanks for your time!


Hi BJ,
I can't really comment on comparing American schools to Australian ones as I haven't yet sent my kids to school in the U.S. In general, though, the consensus is that there is less homework in Australia, and far more time during the school day devoted to physical activity. I like both of those things about Australian schools. The standard of work my children are completing seems quite high. I have heard complaints that Australian schools don't offer as many accommodations for special needs learners, but I don't have personal experience with that issue. Hope that helps, and feel free to ask more questions! Christie

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